In a display of commitment to gender equality and empowerment, CISB made waves at the Women Empowerment Awards in China. This event, organized by the independent and all-inclusive Women Empowerment Council, seeks to honor individuals and organizations who have shown unwavering dedication to advancing gender equality in the workplace, ultimately driving more substantial business outcomes.

Students on the Rise

Four remarkable high school students from CISB were privileged to represent the school at the Women Empowerment Awards. Karen L., Tyler P., Winnie T., and Zonaira A. brought the school’s values of empowerment and inclusivity to the forefront of this prestigious event. Their presence showcased the commitment of CISB and highlighted the importance of youth engagement in pursuing gender equality.

Dr. Sajid: A Champion of Gender Equity

In a noteworthy achievement for CISB, Dr. Sajid, the Head of Fine Arts and Design, who teaches both the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP), received the highly acclaimed “Male Ally of the Year Award.” This distinguished accolade celebrates those male allies who have tirelessly advocated for women and made significant strides toward gender equity in China. 

Dr. Sajid’s award is a testament to the collective dedication of CISB. His recognition exemplifies the school’s commitment to fostering an environment where students and staff are encouraged to engage in meaningful dialogue and take tangible actions toward gender equality.

As CISB remains resolute in its mission to promote inclusivity, it is an inspiring example for educational institutions worldwide. It demonstrates that change is possible when a community unites behind a common goal. This achievement is a testament to how individuals and institutions can commit to making the world a better place.