Pink Shirt Day has become a majorly meaningful annual happening at CISB in recent years, as students and teachers don such light rosy garments and engage in acts of kindness while also learning about ways to counteract bullying and negativity.  

And while our students can’t gather face-to-face to celebrate the occasion, our school’s staff and students are finding creative ways to honor Pink Shirt Day and its spirit via online learning. Pre-K4 homeroom teacher Clare Campbell, for instance, says PSES Student Counselor Inge Taalman helped her and other colleagues plan out “acts of kindness” activities for students engaging in online learning.

“We asked students to show us acts of kindness in their homes,” Ms. Campbell explains, adding “Our unit is “growth and change” so the first video below shows how a student can both feed herself and realize her baby brother needs help. The second shows how the roles in the family change over time, as she is younger so she washed the feet of her elder.”

One parent was particularly impressed with this activity, telling Ms. Campbell: “Thank you to the teachers and school for providing online study during this tough period. My child is hoping to go back to school asap-he is missing all of you.” 

See these kindhearted students carry out those acts in the videos below and stay tuned to CISB’s official WeChat account for more fun and informative writeups about our resilient online learners.

See these kindhearted students carry out those acts in the *video* and stay tuned to CISB’s official WeChat account for more fun and informative writeups about our resilient online learners.

Go Bobcats!