Rani Mohan

Rani Mohan


Rani Mohan With over 15 years of teaching experience across international curricula, Rani Mohan brings extensive knowledge and expertise to the classroom. She has successfully instructed students in IBDP, A-Level, IGCSE, MYP, and AP programs, developing a profound understanding of these educational frameworks. Rani's background in Biology and Chemistry allows her to deliver comprehensive, interdisciplinary instruction, fostering students' appreciation for the sciences.Holding Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Biology and Chemistry, along with an International teaching diploma (PGCE) from the University of Cambridge, she is committed to continuous pedagogical enhancement.

As an IBDP Biology Examiner and coursework moderator for IGCSE Computer Science and Biology, Rani gained valuable insights into assessment practices, refining her teaching methodologies. She is excited to embark on a journey of exploration and learning with CISB students.