On May 31st, 2024, CISB proudly announced the graduation of 21 students. Among them, 8 graduates earned honors (GPA 3.0+), 3 achieved Academic Excellence (GPA 3.5+), and 5 graduates received Academic Excellence with Distinction, having GPAs above 4.0. The graduation ceremony was held in the CISB auditorium. Parents/guardians and school staff warmly greeted all graduates during the “grand march.” Mr. Douglas K. Prescott, AKD Head of School/AKD Superintendent, acted as the MC for the evening. The graduation was also live-streamed so that other family members, relatives, and friends of the graduates could view the entire ceremony.
Dr. Francis Pang, Founder of CISB, brought greetings via a pre-recorded message. He expressed congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Board of Directors. He emphasized how proud he was of the grads accomplishments, and he challenged them to keep learning and to embrace digital technologies and the ever-changing learning and work landscapes.
Mr. Andy Truong, one of the CISB Board Directors and the Executive Director of AKD International, thanked everyone who helped the graduates reach this special night, especially highlighting the role of parents & guardians, teachers, and school staff. He praised the graduates for their dedication to their studies and congratulated them on their excellent academic results and acceptance into top universities worldwide. Mr. Truong encouraged the graduates to use the global competency and leadership skills acquired at CISB to be part of a generation of young leaders who can build a better global society—one of peace and prosperity for all—while always being people of strong moral character.
Ms. Gillian Frost, Chargé d’affaires and Deputy Head of Mission (DHOM) at the Embassy of Canada to the People’s Republic of China, brought congratulations and best wishes to the graduates. She recognized the diversity of the graduating class, with 15 nationalities represented. She spoke about the unique positioning of international schools to aid in building friendships and collaboration across cultures and perspectives. She encouraged the grads to consider Canada as a choice for study and work.
Ms. Clara Liao, the Chairperson of the CISB Executive Parent Committee, brought best wishes on behalf of all parents/guardians. She expressed how very proud they were of their daughters and sons for reaching this goal of graduation and for working with dedication and perseverance. She recognized the hard work of the graduating class and how they overcame challenges. She expressed sincere thanks to all the grade 12 teachers for their extra efforts to stay connected with the graduates and help them achieve success. She wished them well on their continued journey, encouraging them to stay connected with their peers and reminding them that they could always count on their families for support and that CISB would always welcome them back.
Following these greetings, the audience and grads were treated to a special grad video put together by Ewan McInnis. The slideshow video captured graduates on their journey from their early years to graduation! The guest speaker for this special occasion was Mr. Ryan Donaghy, the Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development for the province of New Brunswick, Canada. He expressed sincere congratulations to the graduates on their many accomplishments, noting that the quality of their IB and Canadian education at CISB was something to be proud of and that this education would serve them exceptionally well as they embarked on their next journeys. He noted that two of the graduates had selected the University of New Brunswick, his alma mater, and he wished them well. He challenged the graduates to use their global citizen skills in positive ways to make the world a more peaceful and better place for all.
Graduate and senior class leader Mohamed Shameem delivered the valedictory address. He thanked the parents, teachers, and friends for the support they had provided. He challenged his fellow classmates to continue exploring new things, step out of their comfort zones, and, most importantly, not let societal constraints define them. He further encouraged his peers to embrace their individuality and relish their uniqueness while showing empathy to those suffering from injustices. He urged them to accept their responsibility as global citizens who seek to make the world a safer place to learn, grow, and play. He quoted the school motto of, “Together is Better,” and urged his classmates to be proud of their accomplishments and to stay young at heart forever. “Here’s to us, Class of 2024!” The graduating class and audience gave him a huge round of applause.

The prestigious Governor General’s Bronze Medal for the highest academic standing in the graduating class during grades 11 and 12 was presented to Mohamed Shameem, who had a high school GPA of 4.65. This award was presented by Mr. Douglas K. Prescott, Head of School/Superintendent, and Ms. Gillian Frost, Chargé d’affaires and Deputy Head of Mission (DHOM) at the Embassy of Canada to the People’s Republic of China. The Head of School Award, recognizing a student for their perseverance, school spirit, integrity, and involvement was presented to Ewan McInnis by Mr. Douglas K. Prescott, Mr. Ryan Donaghy, and Mr. Andy Truong. The Principal’s Medallion Award of Excellence was presented to Ewan McInnis by Mr. James McCrory, Mr. Andy Truong, and Ms. Rochelle Bacigalupo. This award recognizes the graduating student who best exemplified the qualities of academic excellence, enthusiasm, school involvement, and school pride. The recipient of the Birk’s Medal for leadership in student affairs throughout high school, Nika Fabrio, received the award from Mr. James McCrory, Principal, Mr. Flynn Boyle, Vice-principal, and Ms. Stephanie Tomilson, Education Specialist, AEI.

Mr. Douglas K. Prescott, Mr. Ryan Donaghy, Mr. Andy Truong, Mr. James McCrory, and Mr. Flynn Boyle presented the graduation diplomas and certificates of Academic Excellence with Distinction (GPA 4.0+), Academic Excellence (GPA 3.5+), and Honors (GPA 3.0+). Ms. Rebecca Henriksen read each of the graduates’ names and acknowledged their accomplishments.

Throughout the celebration, the graduates’ smiles told the story. They, their guests, and the school staff felt immense pride in the achievements and awards the graduates of 2024 were recognized for. Receiving their coveted diplomas closed one chapter in their educational journey; however, as 21st-century global learners and citizens, they were encouraged by all speakers to be courageous, accept challenges, and always strive to become the best versions of themselves while committing to a lifelong learning journey of new discoveries. Head of School Douglas K. Prescott briefly addressed the graduates, conveying his care for them, his belief and pride in them, and his best wishes for their future. He shared three key points that framed his talk and inspired all. He encouraged the graduates to embrace the mindset of a lifelong learner. “Your graduation today is not the end of your education; rather, it is just the beginning. The world is ever-changing and full of opportunities for growth and discovery. Make a commitment to continue learning, whether through formal education, personal exploration, or simply by staying curious about the world around you. Curiosity is an attribute that will serve you well throughout your entire life. It makes your day more interesting and worthwhile. Remember that knowledge is a powerful tool, and the more you know, the more you can achieve.” He urged the graduates to cultivate empathy and compassion as they navigate through life. “In an increasingly interconnected world, it is more important than ever to be caring global citizens. Take the time to understand and appreciate different cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Seek out ways to make a positive impact in your communities, whether locally or globally. Small acts of kindness and understanding can have a ripple effect that reaches far beyond what you can imagine. Call your mom and even your dad; your siblings, your friends; stay connected and always show care and kindness. Remember—people always remember how you made them feel long after they forget your name or position.”
Finally, he encouraged each of them to find and follow their passion. “Discover what truly lights a fire within you and pursue it with all your heart. Whether it is a career, a cause, a hobby, or a creative pursuit, don’t be afraid to chase your dreams. Remember that success is not just about achieving wealth or status; it’s about finding fulfillment and joy in what you do each day. Don’t be afraid to take risks, and don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. Your passion is your North Star, guiding you towards a life of purpose and meaning.” He stated that as the graduates embark on this new chapter of their lives, they should remember that the future is theirs to shape. “Believe in yourselves, embrace new experiences, and never stop striving to become the best versions of yourselves. Congratulations once again, and may your journey ahead be filled with great health, happiness, prosperity, and endless opportunities for growth.” He told them that he was proud of their accomplishments. He stated, “It has been my honor to have been Head of School during your time at CISB. As proud CISB alumni, know that you are always welcome to visit CISB upon your return to Beijing.” He closed by expressing his pride in graduating with the Class of 2024, as this was his final year as Head of School at CISB after 13 years. He will take on a new role with the organization as the AKD Senior Consultant. The graduates rose in unison, smiled widely, cheered and threw their graduation caps into the air as they high-fived, hugged, and exited the auditorium one final time to music by Sir Elton John-“Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”. The graduates recessed to the lobby where they were greeted with smiles, hugs and handshakes by family members, teachers, invited guests and friends. Graduation was followed by a banquet at the Nuo Hotel. An exciting new journey had just begun for the 2024 graduates of CISB!!

Hi-lights from the Graduation Banquet held at the Nuo Hotel:

The graduates and invited guests, along with families and friends enjoyed a delicious dinner. The graduation banquet program included musical performances by BJBJ, special toasts honoring the grads, school staff and parents. Words of congratulations and best wishes were offered by the Executive Director AKD International, Mr. Andy Truong, and Head of School/Superintendent, Mr. Douglas K. Prescott. During the banquet, academic awards and cash prizes were presented to the graduates in the following categories:

English A Language and Literature HL Kwan
English A Language and Literature SL Nika
Chinese A Language and Literature SL Edison
English B HL Vivian
French AB initio SL Mohamed
Business Management HL Nika
Economics HL Harry
Psychology HL Nika
Psychology SL Mohamed
Biology HL Mohamed
Biology SL Harry
Chemistry HL Mohamed
Chemistry SL Vivian
Design HL Nika
Physics HL Edison
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL Edison
Mathematics Applications and Interpretation HL Vivian
Mathematics Applications and Interpretation SL Nika
Visual Arts HL Tessy
Extended Essay Mohamed
Theory of Knowledge Mohamed
World Issues 120 Ewan
Business Organization and Management 120 Kien
Economics 120 Kien
English 122 Ewan
Pre-Calculus A 120 Kien
Foundations of Math Kien
Political Science 120 Marwan
Creative Arts Ewan
Cybersecurity 120 Kien
Intro to Computer Science 120 Andy

Angel Pang Award———-Mia
Bobcat Award———-Kwan
Staff Award———-Anabel

The 4th Highest Academic Average –Nika
The 3rd Highest Academic Average—Vivian
The 2nd Highest Academic Average—Edison
The Highest Academic Average—Mohamed

CISB Graduates of 2024 have received more than 70 acceptance offers into 56 colleges and universities worldwide. Total scholarships offered to our graduates exceeded 2.5 million RMB.

University of Toronto St. George
University of Toronto Mississauga
University of Toronto Scarborough
York University
University of New Brunswick
Toronto Metropolitan University
Saint Mary’s University
University of Regina
Thompson Rivers University

University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of California, Merced
University of California, Riverside
University of California, Davis
Emory University
University of Washington
University of Connecticut
University of Illinois, Chicago
Virginia Tech
University of Texas at Dallas
Indiana University Bloomington
University of Wisconsin Madison
University of Southern California
Arizona State University
The Ohio State University
Lehigh University
Stony Brook University
Binghamton University
University at Buffalo-SUNY
Indiana University Bloomington

University College London
King’s College London
University of London
University of Edinburgh
University of Leeds
University of Bath
Lancaster University
Queen Mary University
University of Surrey
Brunel University London
University of Sussex
University of Bristol
University of St Andrews
University of Portsmouth
London South Bank University
Tulane University

University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Anglo-American University in Prague
Leiden University, Netherlands
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Vienna University of Technology

University of Hong Kong
Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia
International Medical University, Malaysia

Mr. Prescott delivered closing remarks at the graduation banquet, encouraging all graduates to become, first and foremost, good people—people who care, who live with integrity, who get involved in positive ways in their homes, community, and the global community, and who deeply desire to positively impact the world. He emphasized that while doing your best academically is important, knowing who you are, what you are capable of, and working to become your best self is of equal or greater importance. “Become your best version in all regards,” he said, “and we will be very proud of you.”

Mr. Prescott expressed sincere thanks to everyone gathered and to all who helped organize the graduation ceremony and banquet. He reminded the graduates to live their lives out loud and to be themselves. “You are the author of your story—each year is a chapter in your book of life—go now and create a best seller.” He extended heartfelt thanks to the parents and family members for their support of their daughters and sons and of CISB throughout the past years. He also thanked all CISB staff for their work with the graduates of 2024.
The CISB graduates of 2024 exited as proud alumni to applause, high-fives, hugs, and warm embraces from family members, friends, and invited guests—a perfect ending to a very memorable evening!