Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on your graduation! We are incredibly proud of each of you and your accomplishments. As you step into the next chapter of your life, please remember the advice offered by the Head of School, Mr. Douglas K. Prescott, to stay curious, embrace lifelong learning, and follow your passions. Your hard work and dedication have brought you to this moment, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will achieve. CISB offers its best wishes for a future filled with success, happiness, and endless opportunities. 
The graduation ceremony was remarkable, filled with proud moments and heartfelt celebrations. Families, friends, and faculty gathered to honor the achievements of our graduates, making it an extraordinary and memorable event. 
The ceremony was graced by an inspiring speech from Mr. Ryan Donaghy, Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development of New Brunswick, Canada. CISB takes pride in its strong ties with Canada, offering the New Brunswick Diploma through a robust Canadian-based curriculum. Mr. Donaghy’s words of wisdom and encouragement resonated deeply with everyone present, leaving an indelible mark on the graduates as they embark on their next journey.
We were honored to have Ms. Gillian Frost, Charge d’Affaires and Deputy Head of Mission (DHOM), from the Embassy of Canada to the People’s Republic of China attend the ceremony. Her positive message to the grads reinforced her belief that they have received a high quality of education that has prepared them well for university and beyond, whether it be in Canada or any of the fifteen countries represented by the graduates. Her presence underscored the positive and strong relationship CISB maintains with the Canadian Embassy in Beijing.
As we celebrate the Class of 2024, we reflect on the journey that has brought them here and look forward to the bright futures that await them. Congratulations once again, graduates!