December 22nd, 2023
Dear CISB Students, Parents/Guardians,
There is an air of excitement about our school and in Beijing as the “Winter Holidays” are almost upon us. Our annual winter concerts happened this past week and our families gathered proudly to watch their daughters/sons perform. We witnessed singing, dancing, original rap-songs, poetry, and so much more during the various concerts. The CISB choir performed this week and delighted the audience with their singing. Expressions of laughter, clapping, smiles and so much more filled the auditorium for each performance. Our children were so proud as they displayed their skills and talents and we as a staff, were extremely proud of each child!
Of special note, I am extremely proud to report to you that between the money raised at the Charity Bazaar and the Winter Concerts, we will be donating to the Beijing One Heart Sphere Charity Foundation-supporting children with Leukemia a grand total of 71,010RMB. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your compassion and generosity and know that I am so proud of our CISB family coming together and supporting this worthwhile cause. Together we have made a positive difference for these children-sincere thanks!
On behalf of our Chairman, Dr. Francis Pang, our Executive Director, Dr. Charles Pang, Board of Directors and all CISB staff I wish to extend the warmest of greetings to you and yours as our Winter Break begins today, Friday, December 22nd. We wish to express to you our sincere appreciation for your cooperation and confidence with our staff and school. We are thankful for your support and extend to you our best wishes for a happy, healthy and memorable holiday season. Safe travels as you visit with family and friends, near and far. It is our hope that 2024 brings to each of you great health, much happiness and continued success!
Happy Holidays to all!! We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school with the return of classes on Monday, January 8th, 2024!
From all of us at CISB, to all of you—Happy Holidays and happy upcoming New Year for 2024! Jieri kuai le! Xin nian kuai le!
Best regards,
Douglas K. Prescott
AKD Head of School/AKD Superintendent
Canadian International Schools of Beijing
Canadian International School of Shenyang
在今天(12月22日,星期五)寒假到来之际,谨代表我们的董事长Francis Pang博士、执行董事Charles Pang博士、董事会以及CISB全体员工向您和您的家人致以最诚挚的问候。我们衷心地感谢您对我校教职员工及学校的信任、支持和配合,并衷心祝愿您假期愉快,旅途平安!希望您在2024年健康顺遂,大展宏图!
祝大家节日快乐!我们在 2024年1月8号,期待大家的归来!
Douglas K. Prescott