The MSHS community recently showcased its dramatic talent with a stunning performance of “The Outsiders.” This gripping story of conflict and redemption, set in rural Oklahoma, follows the intense rivalry between two gangs. The main character of Ponyboy Curtis (Played by Lang Lang Ng) is a young man from the wrong side of town. His gang of friends and family are called “GREASERS” and often looked down upon by the elite of the city called the “SOCIALS.”
The students worked to bring The Outsiders to life over the past few months. Under Adam Combs’s Creative Direction and Rain Liu’s Technical Direction, CISB students modernized this classic story. The production included elements of Cinematic Theatre intended to entertain audiences and draw them into this classic story.
Congratulations for an impressive performance!
The Outsiders Cast & Crew List
PONYBOY- Lang Lang Ng
JOHNNY- Darren Ren
BOB- William Bai
RANDY- Keshaav Sankar
DALLAS- George Bao
TWO-BIT- Jerry Wang
DARRY- Tommy Wang
SODA POP- Ethan Sui
SANDY- Alisa Krylova
CHERRY- Janet Ziiatdinova
MARCIA- Katrina Armalovica
MRS. O’BRIEN- Melanie Ondara
JERRY (GERI)- Nicollette Clare
DOCTOR- Simon Duan
NURSE- Amanda Dong
PAUL- Vincent Jiang
MRS. SYME- Victoria Tape
GREASERS- Ailin Li, Steven Chong, Daniel Li, Lena Orbach, Warren Shen, Michelle Yang, Anne Zhang, Cici Zhao, Maddison Zhou, Karina Jarzabek
SOCS- Arthur An, Aaron Cervantes, Sam Chen, Macy Qiu, Phoebe Tam, Haru Shimizuda, Alfred Shin, Narifu Sun, Mayank Thottethodi
Eason Yi, Bart Xu, Zhang Ziyang, Daniel Pan, Daniel Sun, Kirby Zhang, Alan Jin, April Huang