When famed playwright Arthur Miller penned The Crucible in the early 1950s, he surely never imagined its dialogue would one day be recited and discussed by students spanning several time zones via a cutting edge video conferencing platform. However, that’s exactly how DP English Literature teacher (and CISB Lang & Lit Department Head) Maggie Graham conducted her recent video conference about the classic play for her Grade 12 students. Such modern techniques and tools are a crucial part of CISB’s ongoing online learning during the current campus closure, especially for DP students preparing for rigorous exams.
当著名的剧作家Arthur Miller在1950年初撰写‘The Crucible“ (中文译名:萨勒姆的女巫)时,他肯定没有想到在今后的某一天,横跨不同时区的学生们会通过现代网络视频平台来讨论他的作品。 但是,这在现阶段的CISB DP英文文学课中却是Maggie Graham老师使用的授课方式。这些网络教学方式成为现下最流行及重要的授课方式,对于在准备最终DP考试的学生们来说尤为重要。
After students recently logged onto the Zoom platform, Ms. Graham assigned each of them roles in The Crucible, while she read the stage directions. “As we read, we stopped at key points to discuss and analyze the text,” she says, adding: “Between each dramatic reading, students had questions and analyzed to complete independent reflections on what we read. In the next class, we’ll use Zoom again to share responses and analysis and further our discussion.”
当学生们通过Zoom平台登录后,Graham老师会为每一位学生指定”The Crucible’”中的一个角色。“在我们通读整部剧作时,我们会讨论及分析重要的部分”,Graham老师说道。“学生们通过在文章阅读的过程中,及时发现问题并分析问题来加深他们对整个剧作的了解。在下次课程中,我们还将通过Zoom平台来分享及回答后续的相关问题。”
Ms. Graham went on to praise another educator in her department, G12 English Language and Literature Standard Level teacher Melissa Dickinson, for using this same method for a reading of the Norwegian modern tragedy A Doll’s House:
Graham老师还夸赞了她的同事,另一位12年级的英文文学课老师 Melissa Dickinson, 她也是运用了相同的手法同她的学生们讨论了挪威现代悲剧作品A Doll’s House (中文译名:玩偶之家).