On December 17, the school artisitic swimming team brought us a fabulous year end performance show at pool. Mr. Vincent Tam (Director of Programs & Activities), Mr. Brett Mitchell (Athletic Director), and Mr. Raul Andres Ariza Salazar (Elementary PE teacher), together with CISB parents and students, enjoyed the show and celebrated the cheerful moment.

The team presented solo, duet and group combinations. The head coach, Ms. Xue Mei, announced that this is the fourth year of foundation of the CISB Artistic Swimming Team. The youngest members just joined the team 4 months ago, while the oldest members have joined since the foundation of the team. Everyone showed their passion and skills for this sport.

Want to join the team now? You may send an email to ASA office: asa@cisbeijing.com, to sign up for the next tryout, which will be held on January 9th.