Jeff Woodford
Jeff Woodford's path started amidst the scenic beauty of Newfoundland, Canada. For high school, he relocated to New Brunswick. Following high school, he graduated from Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with degrees in marketing and commerce.
His initial career began with ExxonMobil, where he worked for six years, accumulating invaluable business knowledge. However, in 2015, his road changed dramatically toward education and teaching.
He started teaching in Hefei, where he began as an EAL and mathematics support teacher. Later, he moved to the lively metropolis of Shanghai, teaching as a grade 5 teacher and thoroughly enjoying the experience of PYPX.
Jeff has a deep passion for hockey, exercise, and cooking. Now in Beijing, he is excited about fresh educational experiences and is always inspired to continue learning as he pursues his master's degree through the University of New Brunswick.