Congratulations to the class of 2023!  / 庆祝2023届毕业生!

Amidst an atmosphere of jubilation, today at the Canadian International School of Beijing, we proudly celebrated the exceptional achievements of the Class of 2023. These graduates have left an indelible mark on our institution, both in terms of their record-breaking university admissions and the resounding success of our recent graduation ceremony.


The Class of 2023 has surpassed all expectations, receiving an astonishing 140 offers of admission from prestigious institutions worldwide. Notably, 70% of our graduates have secured spots in top 100 world-ranked universities, a testament to their academic prowess and the dedicated guidance of our esteemed faculty.


The graduation ceremony itself was a triumph, thanks to the unwavering commitment and dedication of our staff and faculty. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for their tireless efforts in nurturing our students’ growth and development, setting them up for this remarkable milestone.

We are also deeply grateful to our distinguished guest speakers, whose inspiring words resonated with our graduates, instilling in them a sense of purpose and igniting their passions as they embark on their next chapter.



To the Class of 2023, we extend our warmest congratulations on your exceptional achievements. Your journey at the Canadian International School of Beijing has been filled with growth, discovery, and countless moments of triumph. As you venture into the world, equipped with the skills, knowledge, and values you have cultivated here, we have no doubt that you will make a lasting impact in your chosen paths.

Today, we celebrate the Class of 2023 and the extraordinary legacy they leave behind. We express our utmost gratitude to all who have contributed to their success – our staff, faculty, guest speakers, and the entire CISB community. Together, we have nurtured and empowered these remarkable individuals, and we eagerly anticipate the remarkable contributions they will make to the world.

Congratulations, Class of 2023! You have inspired us, and we are immensely proud of your accomplishments.




Graduate Awards and Medals 2023

This evening we celebrated the exceptional achievements, outstanding talents, and significant contributions of the graduating class of 2023 with great anticipation, honoring these remarkable individuals whose academic excellence and exceptional leadership were recognized. Congratulations to all our students for their dedication!

82% of our graduates received a diploma with honors and above, with 32% of the Class of 2023 achieving the special designation of Academic Excellence with Distinction (GPA of 4.0 or higher).

Valedictorian and recipient of the Governor General’s Bronze Medal

Qi Angel Yin

Head of School Award

Rita Gao

Birk’s Medal

Zhuotong Henry Han

Principal’s Medallion Award of Excellence

Xin Yun Lucky Kee




优秀学生毕业致辞及Governor General’s Bronze Medal奖章获得者–Qi Angel Yin

Head of School Award 奖项获得者–Rita Gao

Birk’s Medal奖章获得者–Zhuotong Henry Han

Principal’s Medellion Award of Excellemce奖项获得者–Xin Yun Lucky Kee

Highest Academic Average – Qi Angel Yin with a 4.60GPA

2nd Highest Academic Average – Rita Gao and Xinze Nina Jiang with a 4.56GPA

3rd Highest Academic Average – Xinyi Linda Li with a 4.48 GPA

4th Highest Academic Average – Maira Malikova, Emily Woodburn and Kayla Woodburn with a 4.47GPA

GPA第一名获得者 – Qi Angel Yin (4.6)

GPA第二名获得者 – Rita Gao 及 Xinze Nina Jiang (4.56)

GPA第三名获得者 – Xinyi Linda Liu (4.48)

GPA 第四名获得者 – Maria Malikova, Emily Woodburn 及Kayla Woodburn (4.47)

Best Wishes to our Graduating Class!


Dr. Francis Pang, Chairman of the Board, on behalf of the Board of Directors, congratulates you on your remarkable accomplishments. We are proud of you and confident in your skills and competencies that will lead to success in your future endeavors. Congratulations, Class of 2023!

董事会主席Francis Pang博士代表董事会对你们取得的卓越成就表示祝贺!我们为你们感到骄傲,并坚信你们所获得的知识及能力将帮助你们在未来取得成功。再次祝贺你们,2023届毕业生!

Mrs. Leila Rabord and Ms. Rebecca Henriksen, Graduation Committee Advisors, offer their congratulations on this incredible achievement. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have brought you to this significant milestone. You have demonstrated strength, resilience, and adaptability, overcoming obstacles and continually striving for excellence. We couldn’t be prouder of your accomplishments. As you move forward, remember to pursue your dreams with integrity and compassion. We have no doubt that you will go on to achieve great things and make a positive impact on the world.
Guest Speakers

Distinguished guest speakers graced the ceremony, inspiring and motivating the graduating class with their powerful words of wisdom.

Leila Rabord女士和Rebecca Henriksen女士,毕业委员会的指导老师,对这一令人难以置信的成就表示祝贺。你们的努力、奉献和毅力使你们达到了这一重要的里程碑。你们所表现出的坚韧及优秀的适应能力,帮助你们克服了障碍,不断追求卓越。我们为你们的成就感到无比自豪。当你前进的时候,记得要带着正直和共情去追求你的梦想。我们毫不怀疑,你们将继续取得伟大的成就,并对世界产生积极的影响。



Ms. Gillian Frost

Ms. Gillian Frost

Deputy Head of Mission / 加拿大驻京使馆副大使 图片

In her impactful speech, Ms. Gillian Frost, Deputy Head of Mission from the Canadian embassy, commended the graduating class for their achievements and encouraged them to embrace the future with resilience, curiosity, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world.
加拿大驻京使馆副大使Gillian Frost女士在贺词中赞扬了毕业班学生的优异成绩,并鼓励他们要以韧性,充满好奇的心态去对世界产生积极的影响。

Ms. Helen Wu

Ms. Helen Wu

Parent Address to Graduates / 毕业生家长代表

In her inspiring speech, Helen Wu, a parent representative and guest speaker at the Class of 2023 graduation ceremony, commended the graduates for their remarkable commitment and resilience. Despite facing unprecedented challenges, including the global pandemic, Helen expressed profound pride and gratitude as a parent. She highlighted the graduates’ academic accomplishments as a testament to their dedication and perseverance. Helen also shared personal experiences within the CISB community, emphasizing the warm and welcoming atmosphere fostered by Mr. Prescott and the supportive staff. Encouraging the graduates to pursue their passions and keep an open mind, she assured them of unwavering parental support and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
在2023届毕业典礼上,家长代表兼贺词嘉宾Helen Wu 在鼓舞人心的演讲中赞扬了毕业生们卓越的承诺和韧性。尽管面临包括全球在内的前所未有的巨大挑战,Helen表示,作为父母,她深感自豪和感激。她强调,毕业生的学术成绩证明了他们的奉献精神和毅力。Helen还分享了自己在CISB社区的经历,强调了Prescott先生和支持她的工作人员所创造的热情和欢迎的氛围。她鼓励毕业生们追求自己的激情,保持开放的心态,并向他们保证,父母会坚定不移地支持他们,未来可期。

Ms. Su Cheng Harris-Simpson

Ms. Su Cheng Harris-Simpson

Founder and CEO of SCHS Asia and WEC / SCHS Asia and WEC创始人及CEO

As the Founder and President of the Women Empowerment Council, guest speaker Su Cheng captivated the graduating class with her inspiring message of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). She highlighted the interconnectedness of the world and the need to harness its power for positive change. Su Cheng emphasized that being inclusive leaders is crucial in building strong, equitable communities. With the class’s diverse backgrounds and achievements, she encouraged them to embrace their roles as future leaders and advocates for DEI. Su Cheng’s empowering speech reminded the graduates of their potential to make a lasting impact by lifting others up and caring for communities worldwide.
作为妇女赋权委员会的创始人和主席,贺词嘉宾Su Cheng以她鼓舞人心的多样性、公平和包容(DEI)发言吸引了毕业班学生们的注意。她强调了世界的相互关联性,以及利用其力量进行积极变革的必要性。Su Cheng强调,成为包容的领导者对于建设强大、公平的社区至关重要。凭借学生们的不同背景和成就,她鼓励他们接受自己作为未来领导者和DEI倡导者的角色。Su Cheng的演讲提醒毕业生,他们有潜力通过提升他人和关心世界各地的社区来产生持久的影响。

Class of 2023!

This evening’s graduation ceremony was an outstanding event, marking the culmination of an incredible journey for the Class of 2023. As we bid farewell to these exceptional students, we express our deepest gratitude to the administrators, board members, faculty, and support staff who have played a pivotal role in their development as passionate leaders. We also extend heartfelt appreciation to the parents for their unwavering support, ensuring their children’s success. With great excitement, we look forward to witnessing their remarkable achievements as they embark on their academic endeavors at top universities around the world.

