To enhance communication and collaboration between parents, students, and teachers, CISB is hosting its bi-annual Parent-Teacher Conferences. This event provides a platform for discussing students’ academic journeys and goals.
For parents of Elementary School students, the conference agenda is a comprehensive review of their children’s progress. These thorough assessments give parents a detailed understanding of their child’s academic achievements and areas that may require additional attention.
Following the progress review, the conferences discuss strategies and methodologies for enhancing academic growth in the forthcoming weeks and months. Educators collaborate with parents to identify practical approaches to support each student’s learning needs. These discussions are essential in shaping the educational path of the younger students at CISB.
The High School section is holding conferences that foster substantive dialogues involving students, parents, and educators. Unlike traditional conferences that primarily discuss students, the core philosophy here revolves around engaging students in conversations about their academic trajectories. During these conversations, students identify their strengths, areas for improvement and personal aspirations. The objective is to empower students, instilling a sense of responsibility and ownership for their educational progress.
Grade 12 parents attending the conference can look forward to receiving detailed insights into Personalized Learning Plans. These plans provide feedback to help students prepare for internal and external assessments.
Parent Teacher Conferences strengthen the partnership between home and school, benefiting students’ educational journeys. We look forward to productive discussions over the next two days.