How Can Parents Support SEL?

How Can Parents Support SEL?

What can parents/guardians do to support social emotional learning at home?SEL Video Part Four SEL is neither solely a behavior support nor solely an academic support, but aligns with and complements all supports aimed at student achievement and well-being. Our last...

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Social Emotional Learning Structures

Social Emotional Learning Structures

What structures are in place for those who need social, emotional support in Elementary?SEL Video Part Three In our learning environment, we use the response to intervention pyramid model that you can see here.We support all the students by having daily morning...

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Emotional Regulation Strategies

Emotional Regulation Strategies

SEL Video Part Two Everyone is born with emotions; learning to process and regulate those emotions is not pre-wired into our brain. Children learn about new emotions as they mature. Emotional, social and cultural contexts all affect how we process our emotional...

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What is Social-Emotional Learning?

What is Social-Emotional Learning?

To start the New Year we Interviewed Mrs. Inge Taalman, the Elementary School Counsellor, about Social-Emotional Learning. In this four-video series, we discuss the details on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and why it is important, emotional regulation strategies,...

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