
Residence Policy Handbook

Welcome to Our Community

We are happy to have you join our residence community at CISB. It is our hope to make living as comfortable as possible for you in our residence facilities. All staff members will be provided with an orientation to the residence to help them become familiar with the building, their new surroundings and to meet new neighbors. Please take the time to carefully read this guide as it contains most of the information that you will need to know during your stay with us.

Room assignments will be arranged by School. Due to the complex logistics involved, requests for room changes are only considered in special circumstances and are subject to a full review by the school administration. Additionally, we reserve the right to change room assignments as reasonably required.

At CISB we wish to maintain a safe and comfortable living space for our employees. As such, the school can terminate the residence agreement with any employee if it is determined that the employee cannot live in the residence community in a harmonious and positive manner.