Residence Policy Handbook
Children of Faculty on CampusChildren of Faculty on Campus
CISB Parents who are members of the faculty are responsible for the supervision, safety and well-being of their own children at all times outside of the regular school day(School Hours are 7:45am to 3:30pm).
Faculty-Parents must:
- Ensure their child is under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian while on campus in a manner that is appropriate to the child’s age. It is important that they are accompanied and monitored by an adult at all times to ensure their safety and to prevent any disruption to other residents and activities. CISB is not responsible for any injury or harm that may come to a child who is not supervised properly by his or her parent.
- Ensure their child treats the school grounds and equipment with respect and care. Parents will be held financially responsible for any damage caused by their child.
- Ensure their child returns all equipment to its proper place after use each day. The privilege of using school play equipment will be revoked if it is not cared for properly.
- Ensure their child follows the rules of playground just as is expected during the school day.
- Ensure their child is not disturbing other residents by screaming, shouting or making noise, playing in the hallway or in other unsupervised areas unnecessarily. Please remind them to find a balance that is considerate to those around them.
- Ensure their child does not approach their teachers to discuss school matters outside of school hours. Nor should a faculty-parent approach their child’s teacher or the parent of their student to discuss school matters outside of school hours. Faculty-parents should make an appointment to meet their child’s teacher during regular hours in the school building as any other parent would.
- Ensures children exhibit respectful and courteous behavior at all times as expected, this includes refraining from running or playing in hallways, being loud and displaying disruptive behavior in common areas, such as the residence, and respecting restricted areas and property. No bikes or other play equipment should be used or stored in the hallways or stairways.
- Ensure their child follows all policies spelled out in the Residence Policies.
- Ensure their child does not enter the teaching building after school hours unless supervised by an adult or with prior written permission from the school administration to use a specific facility. Children should play outdoors in the play areas or in their residence room.
- Ensure their child does not leave campus without their knowledge and/or permission. The CISB guards are not responsible for monitoring children nor keeping them inside the campus grounds.
- Ensure their child is supervised during working hours in order to be fully present at work. Faculty-Parents should not have their children with them in a parent-role during working hours. When possible, the school will offer childcare for special events such as in-school PD. Between the hours of 3:30pm and 4:00pm, faculty children who need supervision should go to the supervised play area. A number of older students and spouses are willing to provide child care for a reasonable fee at other times.
Faculty-Parents who do not abide by these conditions will receive:
- A verbal warning.
- A written warning.
- Notice asking them to relocate off of the campus.
Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30