Residence Policy Handbook

Residence Policy & Procedures


Residence policy is to outline the regulations with respect to all staff and guests staying in the residence building in Canadian International School of Beijing (CISB) campus.


The specific policies outlined below apply to all residents of CISB


The residence policy applies to all staff staying in the CISB residence as well as their guests or visitors whose conduct or behavior is under their responsibility.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

4.1 Guests renting apartment

Guests may be able to rent a school apartment, dependent upon room availability. A minimum of one week before the arrival of any guests, a staff member is required to email guests information to P&F Office ( to confirm apartment renting. Guest information including staying period and apartment choice need to be mentioned in the email. An invoice will be issued to staff after P&F office has confirmed the email and the availability of an apartment. The renting fee should be paid in advance to Finance Office. If the rental fee is not paid on time by the appropriate staff member, a one night deposit will be required. Once the school receives the payment, room number will be sent to the staff.


  • All overnight guests must be registered with the local police.
  • For foreign guests staying Overnight at CISB residence, please contact HR office ( in advance and submit a copy of guest’s passport photo page, visa page(s), and page that contains his/her latest China entry stamp so HR can report to the local authorities according to government regulations.
  • For Chinese staff please contact Becky directly(
  • If you need a Visitor card for your guest, please contact Operations Office (

CISB offers two types of apartments to school guests dependent upon room availability. The renting fee list is as following.

Renting for less than ten days (including ten days)

Bachelor Apartments RMB 350 per night
One Bedroom Apartments RMB 500 per night

Renting for more than ten days (no longer than one month)

Bachelor Apartments RMB 3500 total
One Bedroom Apartments RMB 5000 total

At the conclusion of the stay, the GUEST PASS and ROOM KEY is to be left on the room table by the guest.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

4.2 Cleaning Ayi

CISB does not provide basic room cleaning service. The cleaners will only clean the hallways, stairwells, common areas outside the elevator and the elevator itself.

NOTE— Any staff member that hires a cleaner from outside our school MUST register this cleaner’s name, along with a copy of their ID with our Operations office. Any outside Ayi who wishes to bring a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle onto our school campus must first register the same with our P&F department. They will “only” be permitted to do so if there is sufficient space near the East Gate entrance, otherwise they will be required to park their bicycle, scooter, motorcycle outside our campus.

The staff member who employs the Ayi will be required to sign a form accepting responsibility for their cleaner should any damage occur to their apartment or our residence and/or if there is inappropriate conduct on the part of the cleaner.

If the Ayi is not registered with our Operations department and if the form is not signed by the CISB staff member who employed the Ayi, then the Ayi will not be allowed to enter the CISB residence.

NOTE–Please note that you are not permitted to have a key cut to provide to your Ayi. For safety concerns, if the registered cleaner/Ayi no longer works for you, you must inform our Operations office immediately.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

4.3 Maintenance

Please note that maintenance work will only be completed while “you” are present in your apartment. For any maintenance requirement[s], please email Becky ( or You will need to provide her with a time[s] that you will/can be available during the day to be present while the repair is carried out. Or please join in CISB P&F official WeChat account to submit maintenance requirement[s]. The CISB P&F official WeChat account operating instruction is as below:

1) Join in CISB P&F official WeChat account by scanning the QR Code.
可通过扫描以下二维码的方法来关注 “CISB大总务”公众号。

4.4-4.8 Cleanliness & Cooking & Property & Conserving Energy & Locking the Door

4.4 Cleanliness

Teachers are required to regularly clean their apartments and keep the same in reasonable order, free of litter/garbage in order to ensure for a safe and healthy living environment for all residents at our apartment building. Please kindly put all the litter/garbage into the trash station located under the veranda near the Greenhouse. The trash station is emptied each day, including the weekends.

4.5 Cooking

Strong smell cooking is discouraged, as the smell will be spread to other rooms and floors due to the central air conditioning and heat system that the CIS residence runs on. We therefore ask all teachers to be considerate of others.

4.6 Property

Please keep all furniture and fixtures belonging to the school in good working order and please note that no fixtures or fittings provided by the school shall be removed from the rooms or apartments. Normal wear and tear are understood, however, if any piece of furniture or fixtures is found broken or missing when the apartments are returned to the school at the end of the staff members’ contract, the maintenance or replacement fees will have to be paid by the responsible staff member.

4.7 Conserving Energy

Please ensure that when you leave your apartment that you unplug appliances that do not require a continuous flow of electricity; please ensure that you turn off the heater/air-conditioner. Thanks for ensuring that you use the “approved power bar” with the required safety features.

4.8 Locking the Door

When you leave your apartment please remember to “lock your door at all times” and do not forget to keep the key with you, as there is NO key master available. A reminder that you are advised to exercise caution and safeguard your valuable items! Please note that the school will not be held responsible for any loss and damage to your property.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

4.9-4.10 Personal transportation & Internet service/VPN service

4.9 Personal transportation

– bicycle, scooter, motorcycle [hereafter referred to as vehicles].

Please note that in order to make use of the designated parking areas for the above named vehicles you must apply in advance for a parking permit through our P&F department. They are available on a first come-first serve basis and all vehicles must be parked only in the designated areas. At “no time” is a bicycle/scooter/motorcycle to be found parked inside the green house area. Vehicles found without a valid parking permit shall be removed at the owner’s cost.

Register process is as following:

Please register with P&F @ by providing the information of staff full name, plate number and vehicle photo (showing clearly the plate number and vehicle color). P&F will confirm assigned parking spot dependant upon available parking space normally within 3 working days.

Kind reminder:

If you need, please charge your vehicle at the assigned charging stations, 10 of which are located in front of the residence closing to the veranda and 30 on the west side outside the Baby Gym.


You are strongly recommended to read carefully the Charging Process and Safety Guidance posted at the charging station before starting to charge for your vehicle for personal safety concern.

4.10 Internet service/VPN service

Teachers are permitted to use the school provided computers for appropriate personal use during non-school hours while in their residence. Please note that the school provided VPN service is available only within the school building. Should you wish to have access to a VPN service out of school, you will need to purchase a personal VPN package.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

4.11 Residents are prohibited from doing the following

4.11.1 Obtaining apartment keys illicitly, duplicating apartment keys, loaning keys, retaining keys beyond authorized dates for returning them to the school, or altering door safety closures or locks

4.11.2 Causing loud or disturbing sounds which may interfere with the rights of other staff or members of the surrounding community including, but not limited to, the right to rest, study, or be free of unnecessary or unwarranted distractions;

4.11.3 Changing the physical structure or appearance of residences (including constructing lofts); removing or dismantling furniture; using any unauthorized risers to raise furniture (i.e. cement blocks, other furniture); unauthorized painting of rooms or furniture; tampering with facility equipment (including elevators, electrical power boxes, accessing roofs, etc.); possessing or using waterbeds or devices that pose a threat to the structural integrity of the facility; tampering with or unauthorized use of fire safety equipment;

4.11.4 Moving furniture into a staff members’ apartment from the common area;

4.11.5 Unauthorized use, possession, or storage of ammunition, weapons (including air soft and paintball guns), gasoline, explosives (including fireworks), internal combustion engines in any residential facility. [“weapons”- including replica or facsimile guns or knives that a reasonable person may perceive as real weapons];

4.11.6 Charging the battery of the electric bicycle or scooter indoors, weather in the hallway or inside the apartment/classroom as it could easily cause a fire or serious explosion in seconds.

4.11.7 Allowing pets, excluding those in fish tank, such as fish and turtle, into any facility considering the factors of but not limited to health, noise, safety, etc.. for maintaining a good living environment for every resident;

4.11.8 Bringing alcohol in any other places on campus except residence! [Note—exception—Board of Directors approved events].

4.11.9 Smoking inside of the residence or on the campus! Exception–the designated smoking area beside the entrance to the green house.

4.11.10 Keeping your belongings (except mats) in the residence hallway.

4.11.11 Blocking the fire hydrants with any stuff.

If anyone fails to follow the regulations mentioned above, a warning letter will be issued from the school and kept in staff members’ personal file. If there is a second violation a second warning letter will be issued and a 500 RMB fine will be applied. Should there be a third violation, the staff member will be dismissed from the school.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

7.0 Check List

Furniture (repairing or replacement costs to be determined):

  • 1 sofa set
  • 1 bed + mattress
  • 1 set of linens
  • 1 closet
  • 1 dresser
  • 2 set curtains in each unit (except bachelor room)
  • 1 set of display and storage drawers in the living room
    (except bachelor room)
  • 2 garbage cans
  • coffee table(s) in each unit
  • 1 shower curtain

Fixtures (repairing or replacement costs to be determined):

  • 1 table/counter top for eating/dining (except bachelor room)
  • 1 set of Kitchen cabinets
  • 1 sliding mirror cabinet in the washroom
  • 1 toilet
  • 1 bathtub [except floor 1 and parts of floors 2 and 3].
  • 1 sink and cabinet in the washroom
  • 1 sink in the kitchen
  • 1 electric cooking panels


  • 1 microwave
  • 1 refrigerator
  • 1 ventilation fan (except bachelor room)
  • 1 washing machine
  • 1 steam iron
  • 1 4A-43” MI TV + remote

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.1 Instruction for Internet Access

Here is a signal icon on the top menu, now it shows the full bars, which means wireless signal is the strongest.

Click on the signal icon, there will be a wireless name list shows up after automatic scanning. We have set up wireless routers in each room with Wi-Fi Name and password attached to it. Click on the Wi-Fi name and type in the password, you will have internet access.

As the routes are school property, don’t change settings by yourself, if you have any questions about internet access, please send email to

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.2 Instruction for Heating/Air-conditioning System


1. For KEYGUARD, please press ▼ + mode button, hold for three seconds until the keyguard indicator light goes on or vice versa.

2. If ‘Ed’ appears in the current temperature window an error has occurred, please email Property and Facility Department (

3. For heating in winter, please turn the mode to ‘ventilation’, the existing room temperature will be adjusted automatically. User can still adjust the fan speed to control the amount of warm air.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.3 Instruction for Washing Machine

1. Cotton

1. 棉预洗 Cotton Prewash
2. 棉麻 Cotton/Linen
3. 化纤 Chemical Fiber
4. 羊毛 Wool
5. 羊绒 Cashmere
6. 真丝 Silk
7. 速洗 Fast Wash
8. 单洗 Single Wash
9. 漂洗 Rinse
10. 甩干 Spin
11. 排水 Drain

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.4 Instruction for TV Remote Control

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.5 Instruction for Hot Plate (A)


1. 炒菜 Fry
2. 保温 Warm
3. 爆炒 Deep Fry
4. 煲汤 Stew
5. 火锅 Hot Pot
6. 烫 Simmer
7. 时间调节 Time
8. 蒸煮 Steam
9. 烧水 Boil
10. 开/关 On/Off

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.6 Instruction for Hot Plate (B)


1. 蒸煮 Steam
2. 煲汤 Stew
3. 烧水 Boil
4. 快煮 Quick Cook
5. 炒菜 Fry
6. 火锅 Hot Pot
7. 菜单选择 Menu
8. 定时 Timer
9. 火力调节 Fire Regulation
10. 记忆起停 Pause/Resume
11. 开/关 On/Off

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.7 Instruction for Hot Plate (C)


1. 煲汤 Stew
2. 蒸煮 Steam
3. 烧水 Boil
4. 炖 Braise
5. 爆炒 Stir-Fried
6. 火锅 Hot Pot
7. 煎炸 Deep Fry
8. 炒菜 Fry
9. 保温 Warm
10. 定时 Timer
11. 暂停 Pause
12. 开/关 On/Off

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.8 Instruction for Ventilation Fan

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

8.9 Instruction for Fire Alarm

To ensure the safety of the dormitories, our school has well installed for each apartment a fire alarm, with respect to which you need to know the following important information:

1) In normal state, the red indicator light of the alarm lights up once every 50 seconds;

2) When the battery is too low, there will be a “beep” about 50 seconds; if you find that the battery is too low, please contact the P&F department for replacement in time; the P&F department will regularly check the alarm;

3) Alarm status: When the smoke concentration reaches the alarm value, the indicator light starts to flash, the alarm sounds (continuous beeping), and the security department is notified;

4) Silence: When in the alarm state, press the panel Button once, the alarm will enter the silence state, and in the second state, the alarm will completely lose the alarm function;

Note that the noise reduction function is only used for false alarms (for example, during the cooking process, the smoke is too thick, and it is not a real fire)

5) Room entry verification: After the alarm goes off, the security personnel will be notified. Security personnel will be on duty 24 hours a day, and will immediately go to the scene of the alarm to check after receiving the alarm information.

a) Regardless of whether it is a real fire or a false alarm with excessive smoke;

b) Regardless of the time period, for example, if an alarm occurs late at night or early in the morning, security personnel also need to go to the scene to check;

c) Regardless of whether there are occupants in the apartment room, if there is a holiday trip, going out on a rest day, or the door is closed, the security personnel will enter the room for on-site inspection;

d) When the door of the room is locked and no one answers or opens the door, the security personnel will use the spare key of the dormitory, or other necessary means/methods to open the door.

Our school takes very seriously the safety of all residents and thereby when alarms sound, we have a responsibility to check and make sure that everyone is safe or take the necessary fire prevention actions. Please pay attention to the safety of fire prevention and electricity use in the staff residence building, and to minimize cooking practices that create potential for fire.

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

9.0 Map of CISB Surroundings

Suggested Restaurant

1. First Shanghai Center—第一上海中心
a. Japanese Restaurant—日本料理


2. Lucky Street—好运街
3. Solana Mall—蓝色港湾
4. Liangmaqiao Subway Station (Line 10)—亮马桥地铁站
5. Zaoying Subway Station (Line 14)—枣营地铁站
6. Dongfeng Beiqiao Subway Station (Line 14)—东风北桥地铁站

Reviewed by 2024 Aug. 30

10.0 Telephone Directory
  ✚ Medical Service ✚
1.Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics
#2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
2.International Medical Clinic
64651561 Room S106, Lufthansa Center Office Building Liangmaqiao Rd. #50
Chaoyang District, Beijing
3.China-Japan Friendship Hospital
84205288 Yinghua East Road, Hepingli Beikou, Chaoyang District
4.Beijing International SOS Clinic
64629100 / 64620303 Building C, BITIC Leasing Center, No.1 North Road, Xing Fu San Cun
5.Beijing Center for International Travel Healthcare Service
82403275 10# De Zheng Lu, Haidian District, Beijing
6.Beijing Vista Clinic
85296618 Beijing Kerry Center B29, No.1 Guanghua Road Chaoyang District
  ✚ Shopping ✚
1.Ikea 宜家家居 4008002345 No. 1 Tai Yang Gong Road, Dong Ba He, Chaoyang District
2.Foreign Language Bookstore
65126903 No. 235 Wangfujing Street
3.Friendship Store 友谊商店 65003311 No. 17 Jianguomenwai Street
4.Beijing International Store
65924315 5 Sanlitun, 6 East Road, Chaoyang District
5. Lufthansa Shopping Center
64651188 No. 52 Liangmaqiao Road
6.Oriental Plaza 东方广场 No. 1 East Chang’an Street
  ✚ Churches ✚
1.Beijing International Christian Fellowship
64663311 Beijing 21st Century Theater, No.40 Liangmaqiao Road 亮马桥路40号北京21世纪剧院
2.Catholic Church 天主教堂 65323536 Canadian Embassy, No. 19 Dongzhimenwai Street 东直门外大街19号,加拿大使馆
3.Chong Wen Men Christian Church
65242193 2D Hou Gou Hutong, Chongwenmennei Street
4.Congregation of the Good Shepherd(Interdenominational)
84862225 Capital Club Athletic Center
  ✚ Bank Service ✚
1.China Construction Bank Custom Service
95533 ext 9
3.Bank of China Custom Service
95566 ext 3
11.0 Necessary Cellphone Apps

1. WeChat

Function: It’s a widely used Communication & Contact app, where you can also share something on Moments.

Guidance: Register with your phone number. There is an item “Wallet” under “Me”, where you can deposit some money to make payment when buy something or take a taxi.

2. DiDi

Function: It’s an app for taking a taxi or reserving a car, which is very convenient and money saving.

Guidance: Register with your phone number. Then bind your account with your WeChat for payment.

12.0 Beijing Rail Transit Lines
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